Did you know you can support ShelterBox through your workplace?

There are a number of ways you can support us through work. These include:

Women cutting with scissors

Corporate partnerships

Could your organisation partner with ShelterBox? We help companies achieve their business objectives by partnering with them to ensure no family goes without shelter.

Partnering with ShelterBox brings a number of benefits. You can contribute to our work and use our eye-catching content to align your business or brand. ShelterBox has a simple, compelling cause that resonates with millions of people. As such you can inspire your customers by supporting our work. Working with us can also help you engage with your staff. Our high value partners can even benefit from our leadership, team-building and problem solving training.

Discover more about corporate partnerships
Woman with child

Payroll giving

Donate to ShelterBox each month through your payroll! Payroll Giving allows anyone who pays UK income tax to give regularly and on a tax-free basis to the charities and good causes of their choice. We can help you set up payroll giving with your payroll department.

The team at Croudace Homes fundraising for ShelterBox

Employee fundraising

Get together with some colleagues and raise money for ShelterBox. It’s great for team-building, and offers teams a chance to build their skills. All while raising money for a good cause! We can help you plan fundraising events for your employees. We may also offer places on existing ShelterBox fundraising events.

Men with boxes in van

Gifts in kind

Due to the nature of ShelterBox’s work, gifts in kind such as storage space, transport costs and telecoms support are vital. They help keep us at the forefront of international disaster relief. If you are interested in donating gifts in kind, please contact us.

fundraising embrace

Sponsorship opportunities

Sponsoring a ShelterBox event, publication or product is a great way to associate your company with a leading international disaster relief charity. This can create great publicity and help build your brand with your target audience.

Man and woman carrying bag

Corporate donations

A corporate donation could help us prepare for the next disaster or conflict. Together we can help create a future where no one is without shelter after disaster.

Cause-related marketing

One way to show your support for ShelterBox is through one of your products. This will show your customers that you support the belief that no family should go without shelter when disasters strike.

Shelterbox Training

Employee training

Looking for employee training opportunities with a difference? Then why not take part in one of our bespoke corporate training courses. They will help your team to develop and acquire new skills.

Want to learn more?

Get in touch with our Corporate partnership team below.

Contact our Corporate Partnership team